#24 Rahul Raman: On Finding His-Self and His “Schatz”

One Day in Vienna

#24 Rahul Raman:

On Finding His-Self and His “Schatz”

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Rahul Raman hails from New Delhi, India, and has been calling Vienna home since 2019. A talented programmer, Rahul’s journey to Vienna was driven by destiny and his true love, his “Schatz.” He describes his time in Vienna as the best of his life, filled with joy and laughter. Whether it’s in front of the Karlskirche, at the Prater, or on the Donauinsel (how cool is it to have a swimming island in the middle of the city?), Vienna is the perfect place for Rahul.

Why is Vienna so special to Rahul? In India, coming out is often challenging for many, but Vienna gave him the space and courage he needed. Despite some ongoing challenges for the LGBTQIA+ community, Rahul has found a place where he can truly be himself, both in his personal life and career — Love without lies!

Of course, the transition wasn’t without its hurdles. The population density in India is much greater than in Vienna, and the diversity is different. Yet, Rahul has adapted and now considers Vienna his home. As for learning German, he’s playing a bit of hide-and-seek with the language but is determined to improve, knowing that Viennese appreciate the effort.

Rahul’s message is simple and heartfelt: Spread love and be happy!

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